Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Garbage Gut Guide To Getting Free Drinks (in two parts)

Part One is pretty easy. Here's what to do:
1. You sit at the bar drinking a beer. Meanwhile the bartender is getting someone else a beer.
2. The bartender breaks the other patron's glass. Therefore he can't rightfully serve that beer.
3. But the bartender doesn't want to waste beer so he pours it in another glass.
4. The bartender will approach you and tell you what happened then ask if you'd like the beer but, "Warning: May contain glass."
5. Agree to free beer and live life on the edge.

The second part is slightly more difficult. I would not recommend this for the Garbage Gut amateur. Here's how it goes:
You've been hanging out at the bar all night drinking your beer with glass in it and you're feelin' pretty good. The bar is closing up, but the bartender tells you to stick around because, let's face it, you may be bleeding internally. You help the guy collect all the glasses, cups, cans and the bartender starts pouring all the leftover gin, beer, rum, Clamato, whiskey, grapefruit juice, etc. into a pint glass. The bartender tells you to drink it, and you do.

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