Friday, March 30, 2012

Cowabunga! A Garbage Gut Herbal Remedy

Throw away your Daily Multis! The best general health improvement on the market is here. Guaranteed to increase your blood circulation, repair your lymph nodes, rejuvenate your whole system. Garbage Gut has never been concerned much with good health. Since arriving in Japan I've tried to turn that around though. I've taken great strides towards a better diet - tryin' to fuck with that food pyramid, got that five a day. I've been exercising regularly and watching Bruce Lee movies - I don't think I've been healthier my whole life. Garbage Gut will outlive every other food blog in the world. That's why we're sprinkling ground up turtle on our tea every morning.

I was running around Kyoto yesterday and I ran into a woman selling hot, dried turtles. I'll admit I was really hoping to try some grilled terrapin. Instead the lady was hustlin' obscure herbal medicines including: turtle powder, shark fin, and blow fish. Unfortunately everything was out of my Garbage Gut budget, but I was able to try a sample of green tea infused with turtle power.

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